Thursday, December 9, 2010

Don't Worry Guys...I'm Still Alive!

So I know its been a million and one years since I last wrote..I could come up with every excuse in the book but I’ll stick with….sorry? 

Let’s just agree to not dwell on the past and I promise (for real this time) to start updating more often.  So recap on what’s been going on in the past…6 weeks (has it really been that long??)


The much anticipated Muslim Holiday took place mid November.  Excited by the coming feast, billboards changed, new hairweaves came out the woodworks and the overloads of Muttons in the fields were impossible to miss.  In the days before, I saw Muttons being herded by the dozens, stuffed in car trunks, and strapped down like luggage to the top of public buses…if only they knew they what was coming.  I can’t even say I’m the animal cruelty emotional type.  Call me heartless but those damn Muttons wake me up every morning with their obnoxious baaaaaaaaaaiiiiinnggg, aren’t the best to walk behind as they have a habit of crapping mid-stride, and almost embarrassingly, scare me when we make eye contact.  Let’s just say I wouldn’t be against a complete Mutton wipe out…Tabaski was the closest I’m going to get.

The big day I enjoyed with Kokayi and my host family.  The comradery, drinks, and movies put me in the festive spirit.  The Mutton slaughter in my backyard..did not.  Luckily we missed the actually killing, but were up close an personal for the skinning, butchering and disposal process.  I tiptoed through my backyard trying unsuccessfully not to see anything too gross.  Instead got glances of guts, tails, chopped off hooves, and skinned heads.  Not to mention tons and tons of meat.  For me, my family of eight, plus the three guest…three Muttons were killed.  Excessive to say the least.  I leave you with this one final thought that you must keep in mind as I retell my recent happenings: As Kokayi so eloquently noted after watching the killing, skinning, chopping, grilling, boiling and eating of the meat “They didn’t wash not none of that sh*t”


The week following Tabaski was my beloved Thanksgiving.  Short and sweet: I vow to NEVER spend another Thanksgiving away from my family and my mommy’s cooking.  I’m so serious.

Is This Normal?

Post Thanksgiving disaster (details available upon personal requests), I start feeling a little rumbly in my tumbly.  Now for those of you who don’t know me, I’m one to shrug off a lot of rather serious health concerns (no need to lecture, I get it on the regular from my Mom).  So one week goes by with crazy cramps, nausea and one too many trips to the bathroom and I’m still thinking whatever’s going on in there will go away on it’s own.  A second week…things get worse.  So now I’m starting to get concerned as the people around me are close to panic.   I’m trying suggestions from everywhere: no more meats, spiced tea, water overdose, even an over the counter ant parasite medicine…no reprieve.  Finally I come to my senses, bite the bullet and go the doctor.  Gastro-intestinal infection.  Now remember: “They didn’t wash not none of that sh*t.” 3 prescriptions,  and a promise of just 5 days to a healthy self later and I was excited to be on the road to recovery.  I start my medicine and was ecstatic to see a difference in my symptoms almost immediately.  I’d been avoiding the two + hour journey from Dakar back to my homestay in Mbour caused by a fear of not having easy access to a toilet for that long (pardon the details), but since I was feeling better, I headed home.  The miserable journey should have been my warning sign of what was to come.  Just imagine being cramped in the backseat next to two grown men sitting in hours of traffic with no reprieve from the slightest breeze since the ladies in the front row, for fearing of losing their wigs, had the windows completely rolled up.  Then the itching starts.  My first thought was I was being attacked by mosquitoes, and thus wanted out of that car even more.  Four hours later I was relieved to have made it home…the feeling last long.  Incessant itching.  I’m sitting in the front of my house with my host mom enjoying the stars when I decide to shine a late on what I still thought were mosquito bites.  The same me, who waves of most things…freaked.  A rash covered my entire upper arm, and was spreading.  I show my host mom who nonchalantly tells me not to worry.  Clearly we were looking at two different things.  I cover myself in enough hydrocortisone and goldbond anti itch cream to fall asleep, only to wake up in the middle of the night because I was scratching for dear life.  Now not only had my arms gotten worse, hard welps on my elbows and the existing bumps on my upper arms now red, but my thighs were  now covered as well.  MOMMY!! Technology to the rescue, I text, she skype calls and then googles reactions to my stomach medicines…all three list rashes.  Now the doctor wants me to stop taking all three medicines and take another prescription for the allergic breakout: No thank you sir, your expertise has caused enough damage.  I stopped the medicine (praying the infection doesn’t come back) bought some aloe vera and am applying what is I’m sure wwaayy to much, getting only minor relief.  As this is far the most uncomfortable feeling I’ve had to endure for an extended period of time, if just one more person tells me to stop scratching I’m going to politely suggest they go roll in a field of poison ivy after which I will offer the same recommendation.

Still Smiling

Ailments and all, life is still good.  I feel like I blinked and its already been almost 5 months! As I reflect, even through the hard times, I wouldn’t trade this experience for anything.  My host family has taken me in as one of their own, my 6 year old host sister is beyond amazing to be around, and my babies are the joy of my life here (my favorite little Yacine has learned to crawl!) I’m excited about the next half of my journey and as always thanking God for my blessings.  


  1. AH Aleja!!!! minus that crazy rash, I know exactly how you feel! I still had my tummy issue on our 12hr bush trip to Arusha..and I am just going to assume that some of your bus trips are similar to off-roading, as were mine. Bumpiness does NOT help in that situation. I am glad you are feeling a bit better love

  2. Thanks for the updates! Great storytelling!!

    Miss you! :)
